Tim Barlow Writes

Welcome to my short stories, poems and other ramblings

My Own Eulogy


A workshop challenge written in ten minutes at Hastings Writers Group meeting, 22/1/2024 

Set by Evie King, author of Ashes to Admin

Well, there he goes, the old bugger, sailing off into the sunset. He was always happiest on a boat, preferably alone, so let’s hope he’s experiencing something like that now. Who knows? He was a choirboy in this church when he was young, and in later life he laughed about that because he ended up on the other side of the street, literally, running the pub opposite.  

He was hardly a good Christian. He’s left a little trail of ex-wives and estranged offspring, and he never seemed able to settle for long in one town or one job or one relationship. There were a few consistent things in his life, though; the drinking, to which he enthusiastically devoted many hours, days and weekends; he always loved the sea , and sailing, and the seaside; and throughout his life he loved reading and writing, loved the endless possibilities of words and language. He kept writing to the very end, and died with a pen in his hand. He even wrote this bloody eulogy, so you could say he kept writing beyond the end; but he kept it short so that you can all get back to the pub quickly to enjoy the tab he’s left behind the bar for you.  

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